But that is when the foot wall moves down the hanging wall moves up.
Hanging wall up footwall down.
Hanging wall down footwall up.
Movement is left and right horizontal example.
Directly above earth s.
The hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall.
Then there is also a.
Note that a vertical fault with one block moving up is neither a reverse or normal fault as there is no hanging wall or footwall.
It is caused by compression.
Hanging wall down footwall up.
The crust experiences extension.
Type of regional stress.
Zones of crustal extension.
Hanging wall right side is at the bottom reverse.
In a normal fault the hanging wall moves downward relative to the footwall.
Edges of horsts and grabens.
Hanging wall up footwall down.
Edges of horsts and grabens.
The motion of the crustal blocks is referred to as strike slip.
Combination of dip and strike slip focus and epicenter focus.
Basin and range region.
In a reverse fault the hanging wall moves up and the footwall moves down.
San andreas fault 3.
Footwall left side is at the bottom 2.
Then there is also a reverse fault which happens at a convergent boundary.
Movement is up and down vertical normal.
An upthrown block between two normal faults dipping away from each other is a horst.
Where the displacement of the plates takes place aka hypocenter epicenter.
In this fault the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall.
The footwall moves down relative to the hanging wall.
The hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall.
Low angle normal fault footwall gneiss hanging wall shallow crust rocks.
Low angle normal faults with regional tectonic significance may be designated detachment faults.
Zones of crustal extension.
Boundaries of metamorphic core complexes.