Hanging Wall Mining Definition

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When working a tabular ore body the miner stood with the footwall under his feet and with the hanging wall above him.

Hanging wall mining definition.

The ore is mined in horizontal or slightly inclined slices and then filled with waste rock sand or tailings. Other articles where hanging wall is discussed. More common are headwalls angular in map view due to irregularities in height along. In an ideal cirque the headwall is semicircular in plan view.

Hanging wall synonyms hanging wall pronunciation hanging wall translation english dictionary definition of hanging wall. The hanging wall occurs above the fault plane and the footwall occurs below it. An arcuate cliff called the headwall. Hanging wall and footwall.

This situation however is generally found only in cirques cut into flat plateaus. This terminology comes from mining. Cut and fill mining is a method of short hole mining used in steeply dipping or irregular ore zones in particular where the hanging wall limits the use of long hole methods. The rocks on the upper side of an inclined fault plane or mineral vein meaning pronunciation translations and examples.

Cirques tarns u shaped valleys arĂȘtes and horns. Hanging wall definition the underside of the wall rock overlying a vein or bed of ore.

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Source : pinterest.com